Simply use the power calculator to see how much money you could save with a solar installation. Cover the roof of your house with solar panels using the interactive map and see how much energy could be produced.
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Unforunately, your browser does not support this Solarcalculator.
It is important to always use the most recent browser version, as older revisions tend to have vulnerabilities and lack new features.
We recommend to update your browser or switch to a free alternative such as Mozilla Firefox.
This website uses Google services and map material to determine the location and roof area for calculation of the solar yield.
Please click "continue" if you agree.
Switch language
r sb b
Please enter your location:
The location will be used to estimate the annual sun exposure (solar radiation),
which will be used for further calculations
How do you want to enter your roof dimensions?
Enter roof dimensions
Via map
Switch language
Roof length
Roof width/depth
Roof pitch
Roof orientation
Solar plant
Module orientation
Module orientation
Calculations are limited to photovoltaik system of up to 100 kWp. For systems above 100kWp, please contact us instead.
You can add or remove modules by clicking on them.
Select building
Set roof area
Roof orientation
Place solar modules
Electricity consumption
Electricity costs forecast
Please try again later.
Without solar power storage unit
Annual average
Electricity costs savings | |
Revenue through feed-in | |
Total savings |
With solar power storage unit
Annual average
Electricity costs savings | |
Revenue through feed-in | |
Total savings |
Solar plant data
Plant dimensions | |
Module pitch | |
Module orientation | |
Yield per year |
Power consumption
Annual electricity consumption | |
Current electricity price | |
Current electriciy costs | |
Annual electricity price increase |
The accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.
Easily start your solar independence!
- Fill in the contact form
- IBC SOLAR will put you in contact with an appropriate specialist
- Personal consultation on-site with a non-binding offer
- Installation of your solar plant, optionally with maintenance